Internet Banking Registration
Please select your account information in order to verify your identity
Please select the account type:
ATM Card
Phone Banking
Credit Card
ATM Card Number:
Please enter the number combination on the ATM card
Phone Banking Account Number:
Please enter Phone Banking account number
Credit Card Number:
Please enter the 16-digit number on the credit card
Certificate type:
HK ID Card
Chinese citizen ID card
Number of the certificate:
You can enter Hong Kong ID Card/Passport/PRC ID Card Number. For Hong Kong ID Card, please enter 8 or 9 digits, e.g., A1234567 or AA7654321; and for other ID number, please enter the full number.
ATM Card Pin:
Phone Banking Password:
ATM Pin:
Phone Banking Password
You can select one type of password for entering
Verification Code:
Refresh verification code
Please enter the number or letter displayed in the picture
Please reserve online banking login password, you login by using this password
Internet banking login password:
Please enter your login password of Internet Banking. Combination of 8-30 digits of alphabets and numbers is required.
Please enter the password again:
Reserved verification information:
Please enter your validation information to be reserved
Note: To protect your interest, integrated Account(s) will provide enquiry service only. You may visit any of our branch to apply for the transaction service.
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